All Gave Some. Some Gave All!! We may not be the greatest generation however, we are the greatest of our generation as our fathers before us. “WE ANSWERED THE CALL”. The Vietnam Veteran.
Harry Oppenheimer–Navy–1963-1967
Peter Hill–Army–1966-1969
Bill Vanasse–Army–1969-1974
Bob Livingston–Marines–1975-2000
Jack Lindsey–Army–1956-1964
Floyd Crumpton–Air Force–1974-1995
Paul Lassonde–Navy–1968-1971
Doug Colbary–Air Force–1971-1992
Patricia Colbary–Air Force–1972-1975
Mike Luedtke–Army–1972-1975
Frank Valvo–Air Force–1959-1963
Jim Davis–Air Force1968-1972
Jack Rowley– Navy– 1968-1990
Tom Marshall–Navy–1968-1972
Doug Johnson–Air Force–1970-1976
Jimmie Demmings–Air Force–1972-1993
Robert Pietrasko–Army–1966-1969
Nanette Woods–Army–1985-1988
Jesse McDaniel–Air Force–1965-1992
Terry Nies–Navy–1965-1971
Paz Hyland–Air Force–1974-1988 (Reserves-1989-2003)
Larry Hyland–Air Force–1968-1988
Cheryl Paesano–Army–1974-1998
Ron Paesano–Army–1966-1972
Gunner Heim–Army–1969 – 1972
Kevin McCarty– Army– 1982-1994
Don Dupre–Army–1966-1972
Mark Robinson–Army–1966-1969